Comet: Sprint 14 (June 22, 2022 - July 6, 2022)

What was the goal of Sprint 14?

  • Uploading content singularly and in batch
  • Editing and adding descriptive and other user defined metadata for existing objects
  • Running workflow and event triggered work (characterization, access derivatives)
  • Assigning permanent identifiers (primarily interested in the short term in ARKs as canonical IDs)
  • Publishing that content to a public access platform (OAI, IIIF, Shoreline, current local systems).

What is the milestone that this sprint is supporting?
To support the full deposit lifecycle for an object

Accomplishments of Sprint 14:

  • Improved the batch upload process
    • Need to get files to a staging area where Comet can reach them
    • Need to know the directory (first 2 letters)
  • File first upload without metadata (matching on file names)
  • Can delete an Object and see that it’s no longer there. Can also delete more than one Object at a time
  • Bug fixes to catch up on the very active upstream work in the Samvera space. Comet is now tracking the latest upstream work which makes it easier for the team to do work with less technical debt in the long term
  • Worked on the end-to-end publishing process, metadata API work
  • Started the background derivatives process (i.e. thumbnail generation and OCR)
  • Engaged in backend work and documentation for access control features (seen through the “Visibility” setup in the Dashboard)

Did we do everything we set out to accomplish?
Still need to complete work for metadata configuration; to have a static file that represents UCSB and UCSD metadata and deploy those two files as the metadata profile for the system. There is also work to be done on the derivatives process before it can be demoed.

What’s next?

  • Switching an Object(s) to “Public” status
  • Work related to workflow process (defining the canonical ARK to represent the Object(s)
  • Another round of heavy duty documentation for the workflow processes that is dev and user facing
  • Ironing out wrinkles on the collection process (i.e. nested collections)
  • Closing out Shoreline object and structure requirements.

GitLab link: