Comet: Sprint 15 (July 6, 2022 - July 19, 2022)
What was the goal of Sprint 15?
- Adding/editing descriptive and other user defined metadata
- Running workflow and event triggered work (characterization)
- Assigning permanent identifiers (ARKs)
- Publishing to a public access platform (OAI, IIIF, Shoreline)
What is the milestone that this sprint is supporting?
To have a robust publish lifecycle from Comet into the OAI PMH endpoint
Accomplishments of Sprint 15:
- Configurable metadata
- Previously shipped a basic dummy metadata file but the files and content were fake. A change was made so that Comet now generates the M3 metadata schema (Houndstooth). Each campus will maintain their own config file
- Access controls
- If an object is made “public”, it will display as Public
- Triggered background processes
- File characterization is now working; can see characterization data generated by FITS
- Add an object to a collection
- Can add an object to a collection and see it on the collection’s page
Did we do everything we set out to accomplish?
No, but this work has been started:
- Close on the derivative creation process
- In the next Sprint, the team will be able to demo content in the IIIF image server from a general standpoint. The end goal is to provide a set of web services for manipulating images, and the hope is that the IIIF service will be an integration point for the exhibits platform
- ARK minting (via EZID) triggered by a default workflow step
- Behind the scenes work on the metadata API and the OAI platform to complete the integration
What’s next?
Continued focused work on the full deposit lifecycle
GitLab link: