Comet Sprint 21 (March 15 - April 4, 2023)
What was the goal of Sprint 21?
For the first two Surfliner Spring Workcycle sprints, we felt that it was important to work on technical debt and maintenance issues, most especially the Ruby and Rails upgrades for all Surfliner products.
For the maintenance tasks, it should be noted that the longer they're deferred, the harder and more costly they can be to do. The Ruby and Rails support situation was starting to get dicey, given that Ruby/Rails versions that we were using are close to their end of life. It was therefore decided that we would put these maintenance tasks upfront as a 2023 Surfliner priority.
Along with Comet work, there will be a geospatial integration and m3 configurable metadata improvements as well.
What is the milestone that this sprint is supporting?
Ruby/Rails upgrades! Along with a hodgepodge of priorities, getting the Bulkrax Import/Export engine working for Comet was an end goal.
Accomplishments of Sprint 21:
- Completed Ruby 3.x upgrades for all Surfliner products, except for Comet
- Added support for EDTF extended date time format and various behind the scenes m3 development work
- Removed the legacy bulk update feature and replaced it with a community supported bulk import/export engine (Bulkrax)
- Can now run importers which are set up to be able to be run several times (note that Importers work for metadata only import at this time)
- Bug fix: edit for Objects that belong to collections now works
Did we do everything we set out to accomplish?
Yes, and some of this work was already planned to be carried over to Sprint 22.
What’s next? [if applicable]
- Ruby/Rails upgrade for Comet
- Various Comet UI improvements
- Bug fixes
- Adding publication status to Comet’s Collections and Objects pages
- Bulkrax:
- Continuing to refine Bulkrax’s importer behavior
- Continued work on Bulkrax, specifically the batch export feature
GitLab link: