Comet Sprint 30 / Daylight Sprint 2 Review (February 28–March 12, 2024)

Comet Sprint 30 / Daylight Sprint 2

What was the goal of Comet Sprint 30 / Daylight Sprint 2

Comet: The goal was to continue refinement of bulk export functionality to solicit stakeholder input before turning attentions on round-tripping procedures.

Daylight: The goal was to continue to engage in technical dialogues and exploratory activities concerning the various microfrontends for discovery.

What is the milestone that this sprint is supporting?

  • Comet: Batch roundtripping
  • Daylight: Initiating technical exploration

Accomplishments of Comet Sprint 30 / Daylight Sprint 2:

Comet: We fixed a handful of bugs, and we did some work to tighten up integration between Shoreline and Comet. Outbound links no longer go out to URIs to the metadata API but instead link to outbound Objects.

Users can now select representative images for collections by browsing their desktop and selecting an image which becomes the display to represent the collection.

For Workflow Tasks, we worked on extending the feature that we showed last time (filtering by Importer) to include the ability to filter by Project. We suspect that users are going to want to scope on Project, but having two models to choose from is a win.

We also completed a major upgrade to Hyrax. This is a significant milestone for us because it represents the point where Hyrax officially supports the back end that we’ve been using. The Postgres Valkyrie base code is now the primary code path for Hyrax which means that there’s good reason to think that there will be less churn related to the kinds of customizations that we’ve had to do to work around various things. There’s an opportunity for us to continually realign with work that has happened upstream. So, with this upgrade, embargo and lease management behavior is now working.

Daylight: We’ve continued to do some heavy technical exploration. The architecture remains that we have a Blacklight app that may be fairly short-lived, or that may devolve into an API that is intended to be the target for the discovery index for Daylight. We’re working on getting that app deployed out into our staging and prod deployments in our infrastructure. Not only that, but we continued to have various microfrontends that are attached to that. A lot of work has happened on the patterns that we want to use to make those microfrontends plug in to the back end and be composable into a discovery interface.


  • Comet:

    • Bug: Bulkrax Exporter no longer shows “Pending” for completed batch exports
    • Bug: Fixed issue Bulkrax Exporter reporting Solr maxSize query error if “limit” value was left blank
    • Bug: Fixed issue with Importer displaying an entry that was populating the source-id in an odd manner
    • Upgraded to latest Hyrax (5.0.0)
    • Can now filter Workflow Tasks by “Project”
    • Shoreline published links now point to Shoreline Objects
    • Publication status added to the edit pages for Collections and Objects
    • Comet now displays original file name in the fileSet view
    • Can export .csv for metadata editing
  • Daylight:

    • Spiked on a microfrontend
    • Connected backend and frontend
    • Set up linting and tests for backend

What’s next?

Comet: Working out kinks with bulk round-tripping. We will also be adding support to allow users to pick images to represent collections from already existing Objects in Comet.

Additionally, we will be exploring and discussing methods for presenting Projects within the user interface to enhance user comprehension of their significance and to manage Workflow Role behaviors effectively.

Daylight: Integrating micro frontends into an operational application and integrating data published from Comet to achieve end-to-end integration. Subsequently, refining feature sets and seeking feedback on them.

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