Comet Sprint 31 / Daylight Sprint 3 Review (March 13, 2024–March 26, 2024)

Comet Sprint 31 / Daylight Sprint 3

What was the goal of Comet Sprint 31 / Daylight Sprint 3?

Comet: The primary objective for this workcycle remains consistent: to further refine the bulk export functionality and gather input from stakeholders in order to shift focus to round-tripping procedures.

Daylight: The objective was to continue technical discussions and exploratory tasks related to different micro frontends for discovery purposes.

What is the milestone that this sprint is supporting?
Comet: Batch roundtripping
Daylight: Initiating technical exploration

Accomplishments of Comet Sprint 31 / Daylight Sprint 3:

Comet: We have import/export roundtripping working! This was a large part of our goal for this workcycle.

Anything that is exported in a .csv file can be edited. With Workflow Tasks linked up to import/export behavior, users can move these objects through the workflow (filtering by Project or the Importer that they’ve come in on).

Possible example:

Person A imports something → Person Z reviews them → Person Z requests corrections → Person A runs an export to make corrections and re-imports → Person Z goes back to Workflow Tasks and moves them through the cycle.

Users now have the option to select an image they feel is representative from an existing object from the collection in Comet. Previously, users only had the option to select an image from their desktop.

Daylight: The strategy has been to build small tools that can be composed into discovery services, since each campus is going to want to maintain its digital collections discovery platform with more responsiveness to the individual campus and stakeholders.

The work completed up to now includes having the main Daylight application know where to find the IIIF manifest for a given object, which it then passes it to a small frontend application that’s running separately. It pulls the object metadata from Comet using the actual objects from the IIIF manifest and displays it.

What’s next?


  • Have stakeholders test bulk roundtripping
    • Ensuring that the relationship edits work smoothly
  • Address performance issues on the Exporters page
  • Create mockups for presenting Projects within the user interface to enhance user comprehension and to manage Workflow Role behaviors more effectively


  • Continue working on the development environment and deployment strategies for these micro frontends.

GitLab link: