Comet: Sprint 4 (June 30 - July 13, 2021)

What was the goal of Sprint 4?
To close the loop on FileSets and Collections and to be able to demonstrate those relationships. Configurable metadata was a top priority for this Sprint, and a schema loader was implemented such that a coded metadata config file is readable and configurable based on the campus or schema.

What is the milestone that this sprint is supporting?

  • Wrap-up on config metadata, files, and collections.

Accomplishments of Sprint 4:

  • Admin Access

    • Added a base set of admin users (currently people who are working on the project)
  • Support for Object Structure

    • Can attach one or more files to objects
    • Can nest objects
  • Stub Record Creation (metadata first)

    • Validates the metadata without requiring a file
    • Can add a file later
  • Configurable Metadata

    • Have a very minimal metadata schema setup for UCSB
    • Overwrote the schema loading code to dynamically load a comma separated list so that each institution (UCSB or UCSD) can set that variable on deployment differently and get their own metadata model in their instance
  • Dev/Ops Automated Testing

    • Code driven browser tests put in place so that we can now write and run a suite of browser tests to make sure things work as expected

Did we do everything we set out to accomplish?
Not quite, but the following may be in scope for the next sprint:

  • Support for collections
  • File download
  • EZID configuration for UCSD

What’s next?

  • Workflows
    • Moving individual objects (not batch) through the workflow
  • Work on IIIF infrastructure

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