Comet: Sprint 10 (January 19, 2022 – February 1, 2022)

What was the goal of Sprint 10?

  • Discovery via OAI-PMH (Comet → OAI).

What is the milestone that this sprint is supporting?
Laying the groundwork for discovery for the publishing of Comet objects into any number of discovery platforms using the OAI-PMH protocol.

Accomplishments of Sprint 10:

  • Set up an initial OAI-PMH project with Rails and Ruby-oai.
  • Created an outline for a public metadata API endpoint for which objects from Comet can be published to. This system is called "tidewater".
  • Set up a message broker to centralize metadata mapping in JSON-LD with just OAI/Dublin Core metadata. We are calling this “superskunk”.
  • Completed a research spike with a piece of software called RabbitMQ.
    • The intent is when someone comments or pushes a button, the message goes into RabbitMQ and the API will pick up the message and add the object to the OAI feed.
Comet Metadata Architecture Diagram

Did we do everything we set out to accomplish?
No. There is more work to be done with the API and RabbitMQ.

What’s next?
Getting us closer to publishing objects to Shoreline.

GitLab link: