Communication Channels

The Project Surfliner team has a number of ways you can stay up-to-date.

Blog (that's here!)
Updates from the Project Surfliner team.

Slack Channels (open to all University of California staff)
We have two UC Tech Slack channels: #surfliner (daily chatter from the project team) and #surfliner-announce (curated announcements).

Google Group!forum/surfliner
Joining the Google Group will automatically grant you access to the Shared Drive (see below) and send you an invitation to the quarterly end of workcycle sprints review. Please visit the link above and click "Ask to join group" to request access. You will need to be logged into your Google account.

Google Shared Drive
Meeting notes, planning documents, presentations, etc. See above for how to request access.

YouTube Channel
Recordings of sprint reviews and end-of-workcycle updates for stakeholders.


The Project Surfliner monorepo.


Project Surfliner Sprint Review
Last day of each sprint
Purpose: Informal meeting on the last day of the sprint to show what the product team(s) has accomplished during the sprint, typically taking the form of a demo. Demos are recorded. The Product Owner(s) & Tech Lead(s) for products in sprint are responsible for demo content & ensuring the demo gets recorded and shared.

Project Surfliner End-of-Workcycle Update for Stakeholders
These updates were created in response to feedback from stakeholders that it would be helpful to hold a regular meeting at the end of each workcycle to share what the team accomplished, as well as what work is coming next. While this meeting will be most useful for stakeholders directly involved with the project, anyone who is interested is welcome to join! This update will be recorded and shared following the meeting.