Shoreline has launched!

We now have a Shoreline product available online, which we are calling Geodata.  The UCSB instance is here:

The UCSD instance is here:

This is the Minimum Viable Product (MVP), so it doesn't have full branding and doesn't have many features or much data yet.  But it's finally up and running as our starting point - our beta version.

I want to thank the entire Shoreline team for their hard work and dedication.  A key component of this MVP is that there is one shared code base with individual instances at multiple campuses.  That is a great achievement for Project Surfliner and a sign of more great things to come from this partnership.  And of course it's the first step in greatly expanding our libraries' capabilities of sharing geospatial data with our users.

We will be starting another work cycle soon where we will add functionality and discuss longer-term infrastructure and workflows.  We will also begin adding more data for our users as well.  I'll keep you all posted on our progress.
Thanks, everyone!