Shoreline: Sprint 11 (March 18-31, 2020)

What was the goal of Sprint 11?

The goals for the sprint included:

  • Perform a Gap Analysis on Shoreline now that objects can be ingested
  • Finalize the branding of campus instances
  • Finalize the contact form functionality of campus instances
  • Determine metadata workflows as we begin to ingest data
  • Enable download of layers in their original format
  • Deploy both UCSD and UCSB production instances

What is the milestone that this sprint is supporting?

This sprint is supporting the development of a minimum viable product (MVP), which will be the first public release of Shoreline.  The MVP includes features identified as “must have”, “should have”, and “nice to have”.  To satisfy the release of the MVP, all “must have” features are required to be operational.  

Accomplishments of Sprint 11:

During Sprint 11 we accomplished the following:

  • Performed a Gap Analysis on Shoreline and identified three minor display issues, which were corrected
  • Finalized the branding of campus instances: both campuses will call their instances 'Geodata'
  • Created domains for the campus instances
  • Discussed metadata workflows based on the current ingest model
  • Enabled the download of layers, but not in their original format
  • Prepared for the deployment of UCSD and UCSB production instances

Did we do everything we set out to accomplish?

Almost!  We determined that users will not be able to download the original dataset in the MVP, as there are several decisions to be made at a higher level first.  However, a derivative dataset is available, which has a different projection (WGS 84).  Providing the original dataset is high on the list of tasks for upcoming work cycles.  
There is just a little bit of work left to put the MVP into production,  which will be performed during one additional sprint.