Shoreline: Sprint 13 (June 17-30, 2020)

What was the goal of Sprint 13?

To gather information from stakeholders at UCSB and UCSD as well as learn about how other institutions ingest data into their GeoBlacklight instances.  Also, to discuss possible object storage locations, both for short term and long term.

What is the milestone that this sprint is supporting?

To determine how potential feature development should be prioritized during the next work cycle based on input from stakeholders; to gather information about potential ingest methods as we refine our ingest process; to provide a high-level description of Shoreline; and to prepare for a first round of data ingest into each campus’ instance of Geodata.

Accomplishments of Sprint 13:

  • Set up meetings with UCSB stakeholders to discuss feature prioritization
  • Set up meetings with UCSD stakeholders to discuss feature prioritization
  • Met with CU Boulder to learn about their ingest process
  • Set up meeting with Cornell to learn about their ingest processes
  • Had internal discussions about original object storage solutions, both short term and long term
  • Had internal discussion about the ingest workflow, specifically the current approach to content ingest automation and GeoServer tasks

Did we do everything we set out to accomplish?

Yes.  All goals were met during this sprint.

GitLab link: