Shoreline: Sprint 18 (Oct. 21 - Nov. 10)
This session was not recorded.
What was the goal of Sprint 18?
For Sprint 18, the following goals were set:
- Develop an enhanced, improved metadata workflow that speeds up editing and quality control
- Document the purpose of Shoreline
- Check how changes to bounding boxes are affected by changes to shapefile full extent
- Continue work on developing a look and feel for UCSB’s GeoData interface
What is the milestone that this work cycle is supporting?
This work cycle focuses on stabilizing the GeoServer and improving the metadata workflow process. Also, it focuses on providing additional documentation for end users of GeoData, including About and Help pages. We will also be evaluating possible connections with Comet.
Accomplishments of Sprint 18:
During the sprint we accomplished the following:
- Developed an enhanced metadata workflow that speeds up the metadata preparation process
- Started to itemize the components that would need to go into the ISO metadata and what is needed for ingest
- Developed a script to combine metadata elements from CSV and ArcGIS metadata into an ISO metadata file
- Developed an understanding that validates the process that our methodology will be applicable beyond just our two institutions that accommodates various local workflows
- Identified which elements should be included in a common look and feel
Did we do everything we set out to accomplish?
This work still remains and will be continued in the next sprint:
- Finalize the metadata workflow and determine what changes need to be made to the ingest process
- Document the purpose of Shoreline
- Check how changes to bounding boxes are affected by changes to shapefile full extent
- UCSB graphics folks are now working on mockups of possible designs for UCSB’s Surfliner product interfaces
GitLab link: